University of Maryland Officer Uses Questionable Technique While Stopping Scooter Rider

The University of Maryland Police Department, alongside the Prince George County Police, recently conducted a traffic stop campaign at the University of Maryland to curb the number of scooter riders on campus who commit traffic violations.

Officers’ main goal was to prevent the number of scooter accidents, but in doing so, they were using questionable techniques to stop scooter riders.

A student at the University of Maryland told the Triune Times that one officer physically put out his hand and appeared to grab a student while he was in full motion.

Sergeant Rocca of the University of Maryland College Park Police Department was the officer who reportedly made the move.

Rocca’s move could have led to a fatal incident, considering that stopping someone on a scooter with momentum can be fatal.

Once Sergeant Rocca stopped the student for allegedly running a stop sign, he ordered the student to sit down on the sidewalk.

In most counties, when an officer orders you to sit down against your will, you are technically being detained.

Here’s the moment the officer ordered the student to sit on the curb: