RFK Jr. Says Democrats “Made a Deal With The Devil” During Obama Era

Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy had a lot to say in his recent interview with Kim Iversen.

Kennedy discussed how the Democratic Party used to shun big pharmaceutical donations but that all changed during the Obama era due to the Democratic Party making a “deal with the devil.”

RFK Jr. stated “Obama was trying to pass health care so he needed to get the pharmaceutical companies on his side because without their support he wouldn’t be able to pass Obama Care. So, the Democrats made a deal with the devil.”

He continued “The deal was when they pass Obama Care, the government would not negotiate over pharmaceutical product prices.”

Watch him explain:

Kennedy’s likability among Democrat voters has increased over the last several weeks.

Currently polls are showing Robert F. Kennedy is polling at 19% which is a respectable number considering it’s still early on.

Watch RFK Jr’s full interview with Iversen here: