Predictive Programming: New White House Video Labels Kamala Harris As “Madam President”

Vice President Kamala Harris received an unexpected title change this week when a caption on a video of her meeting with the cast of Netflix’s “Queer Eye” mistakenly referred to her as “Madam President.”

In the video, shared on Harris’ official X account on Tuesday, one of the cast members correctly addressed her as “Madam Vice President,” but the caption displayed on the video read “Madam President” instead.

It wasn’t immediately clear whether the captioning error was due to manual input or a software glitch. Nevertheless, Harris posted the video without correcting the mistake.

Here’s the orginal video posted on Harris’ X account:

The New York Post was first to notice the blunder:

Vice President Kamala Harris got an inadvertent promotion this week when she was dubbed “Madam President” by a caption on a video of her meeting with the cast of Netflix show “Queer Eye.”

Near the end of the clip, which was tweeted by Harris’ official X account Tuesday, one of the cast members addressed her as “Madam Vice President,” but the caption read “Madam President” instead.

It was not immediately clear whether the closed-captioning was done manually or if it was a software-generated error. However, the video with the botched caption was posted uncorrected by Harris, 59.

“Thank you for a meaningful conversation, for giving my office your stamp of approval, and for being fabulous,” the veep wrote in a message accompanying the video.

President Biden, 81, has referred to his No. 2 as “president” at least eight times during his term of office.

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