Logan Paul Tells Trump He Made Bradley Martyn “Quit” In Street Fight

Logan Paul and Mike Majlak invited President Trump on their podcast, and the three discussed Trump’s current trials, Mike Tyson, the UFC, Nelk Boys, and Logan’s fight with Bradley Martyn.

Logan and Bradley’s street fight got brought up when Mike shared “Logan had a street fight this past week with someone with the Nelk Boys.

Trump replied “They have a great following, their nice guys.”

Logan added “We love the Nelk Boys.”

Mike then described who in the Nelk Boys was involved in the fight and shared, “His name is Bradley Martyn. Bradley is a big 260 pound body builder. For years, he has called people out and got into it with Logan.”

Trump then asked “How did it work out?”

Logan shot back “How do you think Mr. president?”

Trump quickly replied “I think you probably did pretty good.”

“Was he finished?” added Trump.

Logan said “He quit.”


Watch the full interview here:

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