Candace Owens Floats Presidential Run with Thomas Massie in 2028

In a tweet that has set political circles abuzz, conservative commentator Candace Owens has teased the idea of a presidential run with Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie. Owen’s latest tweet, which reads, “Should I run for President with Thomas Massie in 2028 or 2032? Can’t decide,” has sparked speculation about a potential new conservative-libertarian ticket.

Candace Owens, known for her provocative commentary and her role at The Daily Wire before her departure in 2024, has been a lightning rod for both support and criticism. Her career has included stints at Turning Point USA, founding Blexit, and hosting her own show where she often tackles issues like race, freedom of speech, and government overreach.

Thomas Massie, a Republican Congressman, has made a name for himself with his libertarian views, often opposing his party on issues like privacy, surveillance, and foreign interventions. His consistent votes against expanding government powers have earned him a reputation as a principled maverick in Congress.

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